Pastor Earl’s Message for June

Pastor Earl's Message for June charleston presbyterian church

Patrick Henry was quoted as saying, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.” Much later, that phrase was used as a typing drill with the altered words, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” As the Pastor Nominating Committee begins its search for a permanent Pastor for CPC, we need to continue to lift them up and our church in prayer. Now is the time for all of us to come to the aid of this church.

When Jesus was arrested and led away to stand trial, it was a crucial time in the life of the disciples. And they also had a choice. They could continue to support Jesus and His ministry or just give up and walk away and even deny that they knew Him. We all know what happened after Jesus was taken: they all ran away. They were confused. They were scared.  

When difficult circumstances arise and we are unsure of the future or we are facing great changes, sometimes we may feel like giving up and walking away. But now is not the time to reduce our commitment to Christ and to His people. Now is not the time to “back away” because we do not like what a new leadership might look like. Now is not the time to rain on other peoples’ parades with negativity or dire predictions. Now is not the time to withhold from the Lord’s work because we are not sure of tomorrow. Now is not the time to abandon the Lord’s work at CPC.

Rather, now is the time to jump in with both feet! Now is the time to recommit to Jesus and His true Church. Now is the time for the disciples of Jesus to come to the aid of Charleston Presbyterian Church – which He established. Can Christ count on you and me to support Him and to help keep this congregation alive and growing?  

In Christ’s Service,

Dr. Earl A. Bland