8-11-2023 Christian Pioneer Weekly Newsletter


Christian Pioneer Weekly Newsletter
August 11, 2023

“We Seek God’s Truth in His Word and Salvation in
Jesus Christ Who is Lord of All”
CPC Vision:
“To become flourishing disciples of Jesus Christ who live out
His Great Commandments and His Great Commission”
Be Sure to “Subscribe” to the
Charleston Presbyterian YouTube page
by clicking on the link.

You can see and hear 171 (and counting) of
Dr. Earl Bland’s sermons
Tell all your friends, invite them to hear
God’s Word


“To the Faithful Saints at Charleston, Part 2”

Dr. Earl A. Bland
Charleston Presbyterian
is searching for our new:

Music Director/Accompanist

If you know of an educator in the Music Department of the local public schools, colleges, a retired individual, or a music student, looking for a part-time position, please reach out to them and have them contact the church office via email: admin@charlestonpc.org
to find out how they can use their talents to help
Worship The Lord

Has God gifted you with the talent of singing?
The Charleston Presbyterian Church CHOIR
may just be what God wants you to use that gift for!!
Come join us on Sunday mornings for practice at 8:30
and sing unto The Lord during the worship service @ 9:45.
We’d love to have you join us.
Charleston Presbyterian Church
Worship Service for:
August 13, 2023

9:45 A.M.

First Scripture Lesson:

Ephesians 3:1-7

Second Scripture Lesson:

Ephesians 3:8-21

 “To the Faithful Saints at Charleston, Part 3”

Preacher: Dr. Earl A. Bland
August Pastor’s Message
One of greatest blessings in my life has been the deep study within God’s Word. I love attending our Men’s Breakfast Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:30 AM and the Discussions Class on Sundays at 9:00 AM. I am sure that the women of CPC love the Women’s Bible Study on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Family Life Center. The Discussion Class and the Women‘s Bible Study are coming back soon after their summer breaks! Make sure you check the bulletin and the Pioneer Newsletter for details.
Don’t forget, our Summer Book Preaching Series, which offers us another opportunity to dig deeply into the Word of God on Sunday mornings during worship at 9:45 AM. We are studying the Book of Ephesians and making our way through those 6 chapters. Every week we are tackling a new chapter, verse by verse, in a clear, expository preaching style. If you are ready to take on a full steak dinner, then join us for taking in the “solid food” of the Word every Sunday through September 3. (see 1 Cor. 3:2 and Hebrews 5) 
In order to get the fullest picture of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, please plan to join us every Sunday. We look forward to seeing you and your family!
In Christ’s Service,
Sunday School Class

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
in the
Family Life Center

The Discussions Class finished Season 1 of THE CHOSEN. The Class has been taking a several-week summer break before beginning Season 2. We will begin Season 2 this Sunday, August 13. Please consider joining us then even if you didn’t attend Season 1. Jesus and the gang are really just getting started.

The Better Together
Ladies Bible Study Group

On September 5th, we will start a 5-week study on the Holy Spirit called “Carry the Flame” by Jim Cymbala. Please pass the word to others. We meet every Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. in the Family Life Center. Call Susan Daniel (843-766-3253) or email bdaniel222@comcast.net
if you have any questions. Please feel free to bring a friend.

Join us on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Family Life Center

Men’s Bible Study

Wednesday’s 7:30 AM (FLC)
(Coffee, Breakfast & Fellowship Included!)

This group is studying: John 1-12, Part 1: The Living Word of God

The Men’s Bible Study has begun a 12-lesson series on the first 12 chapters of John. It is written by Douglas Connelly and based on John’s account of the life of Christ during his life and ministry. John was with Jesus as a disciple during His ministry and the book is his account of that period. We meet each Wednesday at 7:30 am in the Family Life Center for Bible study, fellowship, breakfast and coffee. We would like you to join us for this study. If you have questions, call Elton Waldrop at 843-460-0088.  

Prayer Partners

Join our Partners
 in- Prayer E-Mail List
(send pastorswifelife@outlook.com
your email address to join the Prayer Partners)

Prayer Requests to:

Prayer Partners will be emailed all CPC prayer requests for our intercessory prayers.

God will do the rest!


Meet the women dedicated to bringing God glory throughout the year by creating and displaying the:
Church Altar Flowers each Sunday,
Special Dedication Flowers,
Christmas Advent Trees/Wreaths and Window Decorations
as well as the
Fellowship Table Decorations for CPC Events.

(L to R Leita Shroyer; Charleen Hammond; Cindy Parrish; Susan Daniel; Annette Truluck; Joan Willard; Ellen Deane; and Laura Bland

~If your talent is in flower arranging,
we need you.~
Contact Charleen Hammond if you would be interested in being part of this extraordinary group ~
Would you like a special flower arrangement to honor or remember a certain someone near and dear to you, or extend a birthday blessing or an anniversary celebration?
The Sunday morning worship service flower arrangements are created by a team of people that enjoy taking the beauty of flowers and arranging them to honor and glorify God.
Email, sign-up in the side entrance hallway, or call the church office to choose the Sunday that you would like to give towards this ministry. Your special arrangement will be announced in that Sunday’s bulletin.
Call 843-437-8219 or email: admin@charlestonpc.org.


Susan Daniel


August 14 – Dianne Lever
August 22 – Joan Willard
August 24 – Pat McGee
August 25 – Gabie Ingraham
August 25 – Lutrell Waldrop
August 27 – Bill Daniel

Check out the mission fields that God has CPC actively working in.

A non-denominational, non-profit providing food, clothing, medical care, counseling, job placement, shelter, financial assistance and vital services to the impoverished. We offer a safe, compassionate, and inviting place for all people in need.
Please bring your non-perishable goods to church each Sunday to be collected in the boxes on the back pew of the overflow section.

You can sign up for specific days and tasks using this volunteer link: Neighbors Together Volunteer Page
Rev. Kara Joy Stewart
Executive Director
Neighbors Together (formerly Tricounty Family Ministries)
2105 Cosgrove Ave.
North Charleston, SC 29405
work – 843.747.1788
In the middle of the highway between San Jose & Cartago lies a village called ‘Fierro’. I went evangelizing on this day and it wasn’t long before I discovered an older man named Fernelli Rojas Rios. One way that Fernelli makes ends meet is that he picks and gathers the ripe coffee-cherries which have 2 coffee beans in each one, as seen in the picture of him above. This helps give Fernelli a form of income along with other little jobs that he does. 
After talking with Fernelli for quite some time, he told me the reason that he attends a local Catholic Church. He made it clear that it was not because he was Catholic or that he believed any of their teachings. The reason that he goes to the Catholic Church is because he feels that God has him there for a reason. The reason is to tell others going there the truth of God’s word and to lead them away from the false teachings or false dogma of the Catholic Church. Please pray for Fernelli that Jesus will continue to use him in a mighty way to lead people away from idolatry and into a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This past week, we had a team down from Missouri to do mission work here in Costa Rica. As you can see in the top left hand corner of the picture, the team had to be brave by crossing an “Indian Jones” like swinging bridge to enter into that particular village. The group knocked on doors as you can see in the upper right hand corner where Holly was sharing the gospel with Angela and opening the door for me to do future bible studies in her home. In the bottom left corner, you can see that the team also went ziplining where they continued the “Indian Jones” idea where only a “leap of faith” could help one get to the other side. 
Giving towards the mission work with the Folk Family in Costa Rica is easy : Just click on the Folk Family Ministries logo above and you’ll be brought straight to the secure website. Bless you for helping the Folks serve in the mission field.
~Jacob and Courtenay Folk ~ Missionaries
With Daughters, Lizzy & Sophia
(To partner with the Folk’s by donating & becoming 
part of our ministry in Costa Rica simply scan 
this QR CODE with your camera and it will link 
you to Jacob & Courtenay at Global Outreach International)

Simply contact “Dan the coffee man” at High Point Roasters
(Ask for the The Folk Family Blend)
Office (Mail Orders): 662-534-9797
Cell: 662-316-7382
739 L-2 Hwy 15 North – New Albany, MS 38652
(Just Remember to ask for the The Folk Family Blend)

Each Monday evening in the Family Life Center @ 6:00
West Ashley YoungLife
Their Mission:
Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.​
Working with the local church is important to Young Life:
Although congregations can minister in ways we can’t, Young Life has inroads in communities with kids who are disinterested in church. However, as Young Life staff and leaders care for these kids, we try to help them become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ who will one day be active in the life of a local church.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 “We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness
Senior Pastor/Head of Staff
Sandy Floyd
Administrative Assistant
Robin White
Lead Nursery Caretaker
Children’s Sunday School

Have a questions for our staff? Want to hear a piece of music from the choir that just makes you feel closer to God? Do you have a special piece of Christian music you would like played during the pre-service worship time? By clicking on their name, you will be able to email them directly to make your request or ask your question. 
We are here to serve a wonderful God and His people.
CPC YouTube Page Link
CPC FaceBook Page Link