Sunday, December 10 in the Family Life Center immediately following the worship service.
Charleston Presbyterian Church
Worship Service for:
December 10, 2023
9:45 A.M.
First Scripture Lesson:
Micah 5:2-5a
Second Scripture Lesson:
Luke 1:39-55
"The Magnificat"
Preacher: Dr. Earl A. Bland
Committee In Charge
December Pastor's Message
The return of Jesus Christ was imminent for the early church of the first century. Christ bids us to live as though He could return at any moment. The plea, “Come unto Me” becomes more insistent with every passing moment. Christ’s return is sooner than when we first believed. If Christ is coming soon, proclaim it to the world. Be ready! Be on the alert! John the Baptist was a part of that message, “Prepare Ye the Way!” “Repent and be Baptized!”
In the last chapter of Revelation, we hear the final message of this prophetic book. It is the message God wanted us to hear last and possibly remember the easiest. It is also the last message of the canon of books known as the New Testament. “Let the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes, take the water of life without cost.”
Are we telling and showing the world how to come to Christ? If the Spirit and the Bride (the Church) say, “Come” what should you and I say to others? If the Spirit and the Church say, “Come” and we say nothing, are we obeying God and the prophecy of this book?
This is a wonderful and divine message: “Come.” It is what Christmas, the Advent Season, and the Second Coming beckon us to do. His shepherd followers came to His birth. Wise men came to Him as a child. His disciples left everything and followed Him. Some even followed Him to the cross. His believers came to the empty tomb. But they only came to Him because Christ first came to all. Christ is coming again. Don’t say it isn’t true. Don’t say you’re too smart. Don’t say it isn’t fair. Don’t say you’re too busy. Don’t say you’re too sinful. Don’t say anything but, “Amen. Come, quickly Lord Jesus.”
In Christ’s Service,
Sunday School Class
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
in the
Family Life Center
The Discussions Class will continue with Week 43 of its 2023 year on Sunday, December 10. We are discussing a DVD titled, THE CHOSEN. This Sunday we will finish the Season 2 episode titled, “SPIRIT.” Please join us even if you haven't been attending.
The Better Together
Ladies' Bible Study Group
The Better Together Ladies Bible Study has finished the study of Luke and is on winter break. We will return on January 9, 2024 to begin a six-week study on Revelation by Margaret Feinberg! This is a wonderfully hopeful book of the Bible subtitled “What if God’s Final Word is Really A Rescue Plan?” Please join us in the Family Life Center every Tuesday at 10:00. Call Susan Daniel (843-766-3253) or email Feel free to bring a friend!
Men's Bible Study
Wednesday's 7:30 AM (FLC)
(Coffee, Breakfast & Fellowship Included!)
This group is studying: John 1-12, Part 1: The Living Word of God
The Men’s Bible Study has begun the second study book of the Book of John. The second study book covers chapters 13-21 in 13 lessons. Please join us each Wednesday at 7:30 AM in the Family Life Center for fellowship, breakfast, coffee and the study of God’s Word. If you have questions call Elton Waldrop at 843-460-0088.
Prayer Partners will be emailed all CPC prayer requests for our intercessory prayers.
God will do the rest!
12/06 – Charlene Sims
12/07 – Shirley Peeples
12/08 – Chandler Crouse
12/10 – Virginia Watts
12/15 – Wayne Tucker
12/15 – Opal Mae Gaudrault
12/16 – John D. McGee
12/19 – Sandra Sumner
12/28 – Mike Baker
Check out the mission fields that God has CPC actively working in.
A non-denominational, non-profit providing food, clothing, medical care, counseling, job placement, shelter, financial assistance and vital services to the impoverished. We offer a safe, compassionate, and inviting place for all people in need.
Please bring your non-perishable goods to church each Sunday to be collected in the boxes on the back pew of the overflow section.
Each Monday evening in the Family Life Center @ 6:00
West Ashley YoungLife
Their Mission:
Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
Working with the local church is important to Young Life:
Although congregations can minister in ways we can’t, Young Life has inroads in communities with kids who are disinterested in church. However, as Young Life staff and leaders care for these kids, we try to help them become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ who will one day be active in the life of a local church.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 "We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness"
Have a questions for our staff? Want to hear a piece of music from the choir that just makes you feel closer to God? Do you have a special piece of Christian music you would like played during the pre-service worship time? By clicking on their name, you will be able to email them directly to make your request or ask your question.
We are here to serve a wonderful God and His people.