You can see and hear many of Dr. Earl Bland's sermons. Tell all your friends, invite them to hear God's Word!
***April 28 will be Earl and Laura's last Sunday with CPC***
"Many Called, Few Chosen"
Dr. Earl A. Bland
Charleston Presbyterian
is searching for:
We hear you and know you can sing. Please, prayerfully consider using this unique gift from God to worship the HIM each Sunday.
Join the Charleston Presbyterian Choir.
Practice is at 8:30 Sunday mornings in the sanctuary.
Come and sing unto the Lord.
Charleston Presbyterian Church
Worship Service for:
April 28, 2024
9:45 A.M.
First Scripture Lesson:
Genesis 4:9
Second Scripture Lessons:
Philippians 2:3-11
"Self-Centeredness and Pride"
Preacher: Dr. Earl A. Bland
(immediately following service)
Committee In Charge for April
April Pastor's Message
Some people have asked what ministry or mission Laura and I will be involved in once I am no longer serving as the pastor of a church. Since February of 2016, we have been broadcasting weekly messages on radio stations across the United States. They are found under the Wilkins Radio Network. You can also hear the programs online at Our radio program is called “Time of Renewal,” and it runs for approximately 30 minutes.
My last sermons at CPC will be on April 21 and 28, and they will be spiritual renewal challenges and not farewell messages. My farewell message to our church will be this Sunday, on Communion Sunday, April 07, 2024. I believe the celebration of the Lord’s Supper will be a more fitting time to share more personally with you from the pulpit.
No matter how far apart you and I may be from each other, we are still in communion together through God’s Holy Spirit. My last Sunday, April 28th, we are also having our Church-Wide BBQ. Please join us for Worship and Lunch. If you miss this month, you will miss a lot!
When Paul had the occasion to depart from the church at Corinth, he offered them a simple parting message. He summarized his ministry among them by indicating that all that had been done had not been recorded on stone tablets, but was indelibly written upon human hearts. I pray that all our hearts have been indelibly changed by Christ over the past nine and a half years. Christ’s work will always be there.
Please continue to pray for our church family, our PNC, our nation and for people to come to faith in the Lord. I hope to see you in God’s house this Sunday!
In Christ’s Service,
Sunday School Class
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
in the
Family Life Center
Sorry for the late notice again, but WE WILL NOT BE HAVING SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, April 28. The setup for the BBQ Dinner will make it impractical. Instead there will be a prayer meeting in the main building classroom at 9:00 am.
We will resume our discussion of THE CHOSEN at the beginning of Season 3 with the episode titled, HOMECOMING, on Sunday, May 5.
Thanks, Ed
The Better Together
Ladies' Bible Study Group
The Ladies Better Together Bible study is doing a 12-week study on “ Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God” by Henry, Richard and Mike Blackaby and Claude King. This revised, classical version has shown believers how to know God intimately and has encouraged them to step out in faith. Even if you can’t commit to 12 weeks, this study is designed so each week will independently guide you. If you miss a week, you will still benefit. Contact Susan Daniel for any questions. (843-766-3253 or We meet every Tuesday in the FLC at 10:00. Feel free to bring a friend.
Men's Bible Study
Wednesday's 7:30 AM (FLC)
(Coffee, Breakfast & Fellowship Included!)
The Men’s Bible Study is doing a study titled "Praying Grace." This is a 55-lesson study about prayer and meditation. The study is designed to make a Christian's prayer life and meditations deeper and more meaningful. The study book was written by David A. Holland. We invite all men to join us weekly for this study to enhance our study of God's Word. The Men's Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 7:30 AM for coffee, fellowship, and breakfast. Please call Elton Waldrop (843-460-0088) with any questions.
Prayer Partners will be emailed all CPC prayer requests for our intercessory prayers.
God will do the rest!
04/26 – Hurshell Hunt
05/02 – Leita Shroyer
05/09 – Earl Bland
05/15 – Tammy Tucker
05/24 – Anne O'Neal
Check out the mission fields that God has CPC actively working in.
A non-denominational, non-profit providing food, clothing, medical care, counseling, job placement, shelter, financial assistance and vital services to the impoverished. We offer a safe, compassionate, and inviting place for all people in need.
Please bring your non-perishable goods to church each Sunday to be collected in the boxes on the back pew of the overflow section.
Each Monday evening in the Family Life Center @ 6:00
West Ashley YoungLife
Their Mission:
Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
Working with the local church is important to Young Life:
Although congregations can minister in ways we can’t, Young Life has inroads in communities with kids who are disinterested in church. However, as Young Life staff and leaders care for these kids, we try to help them become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ who will one day be active in the life of a local church.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 "We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness"
Have a questions for our staff? Want to hear a piece of music from the choir that just makes you feel closer to God? Do you have a special piece of Christian music you would like played during the pre-service worship time? By clicking on their name, you will be able to email them directly to make your request or ask your question.
We are here to serve a wonderful God and His people.