About CPC

Our Mission: to proclaim, teach and live the Word of God so that people will know and trust in Jesus Christ personally; to worship God in spirit and in truth; to grow in the grace and love of God; to love our neighbors and comfort and provide for those in need; to make disciples of Jesus Christ; and to spread the Good News through witness and service in our community and to the world.
Our Motto“We Seek God’s Truth in His Word and Salvation in Jesus Christ, Who is Lord of All.” 
Our Vision: “To become flourishing disciples of Jesus Christ who live out His Great Commandments and His Great Commission.”

Charleston Presbyterian is a group of faithful Christians from the larger Charleston area who initially met for prayer in the chapel of Stuhr’s Funeral Home in downtown Charleston, South Carolina on December 7, 2014.  The first meeting was a prayer service in order to seek God’s will concerning the possible establishment of a new Presbyterian church. It was led by Rev. Dr. Earl A. Bland.  We prayed that God would create a new congregation that would teach and preach the Gospel and be dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ. We prayed for a congregation that would serve in mission to the Charleston community and beyond.  Our prayers were made with great faith and trust in God and through the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.  God answered these prayers with the founding of CPC. We are proud to be a Charleston church making use of our religion and spirituality to serve our community.

ECO: Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians 

We have joined alongside our faithful sisters and brothers in ECO, A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, which itself is a new denomination, having begun in early 2012.  Rev. Dr. Earl A. Bland was called to be the Pastor, Martha Roberts is the Choir Director, and Lon Hohenboken is the Organist/Pianist.  We serve Jesus Christ alongside our Session, Ministry Teams, Board of Trustees and all the people of Charleston Presbyterian Church community.  We invite you to experience the wonderful things that God is doing at Charleston Presbyterian!

Charleston Presbyterian Church Staff

Dr. Adrian Smith

Admnistrative Assistant:
Sandy Floyd

Nursery Caretaker:
Robin White